proc ShowError invoke MessageBox,0,eax,0,MB_ICONERROR+MB_TOPMOST ret endp
buff rb 2000h local_file db 'C:\list.gif',0 remote_url db '',0
hFile dd 0 hInt dd 0 hUrl dd 0
dwRWfile dd 0 dwRWurl dd 0
downloader_id db 'SmplWinIntDwn',0
lpsetuperror db 'There are errors in settings file!',0Dh,'Please check your settings!',0 lpnosession db 'Unable to create new remote session!',0 lpnourl db 'There are no connection with remote host!',0Dh,'Please check is connection alive?',0 lpnoopenfile db 'Unable to create\open local file!',0Dh,'Please check your settings!',0 lpnoremotefile db 'Error while reading remote file!',0 lpdownloadok db 'Download complete!',0Dh,'Enjoy! :)',0 lpinfo db 'Info',0