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Все скрипты для написания Autorun.inf
A simple Autorun.inf example:

A complex Autorun.inf example:
This example is used in the following section for complete definition and descriptions.
open=filename.exe /argument1
shell\install = &Install
shell\install\command = setup.exe
shell\uninstall = &UnInstall
shell\uninstall\command = Uninstall.exe
shell\readme = &Read Me
shell\readme\command = notepad readme.txt
shell\help = &Help
shell\help\command = helpfilename.hlp

This section describes the configuration of the Autorun.inf file and each of the potential items.

Example Autorun File: Description:
[autorun] [autorun] is the primary, required section name.
open=filename.exe /argument1 Open is the keyword to determine what action to take upon insert notification.

filename.exe is the value defining the application that will be automatically started.
/argument1 is the argument, parameter or switch passed to the application being run. Logically, any command line parameters used must be supported by the application.
icon=\foldername\filename.dll,5 Icon is the keyword to determine the icon used for the disk.

filename.dll is the value defining the file containing the icon.
,5 is the argument to the icon resource defining which icon to display.
Note: By default, the system looks for the file in the root directory of the inserted disk. If you want to access a file located in a specific folder or subdirectory, specify a path relative to the root.

Example: open = foldername\filename.exe This will not change the current directory.

Although AutoPlay is the default menu item, you can define a different command to be the default by including the following line. shell = verb

When the user double-clicks on the icon, the command associated with this entry will be carried out.

Note: a more common method of defining the icon resouce is an explicit reference to a .ico file. Example: icon=autorun.ico

Note: The icon defined representing your application's CD or DVD is the drive icon as viewed with My Computer or Explorer. Valid file types containing icons include .ICO .BMP .EXE .DLL If the file includes more than one icon, by default, the second icon in the files icon resource will be displayed.

Example Autorun File: Description:
[autorun.mips] Defining the autorun items for a mips machine
open=filenam2.exe The platform specific application to run
icon=filename2.ico The platform specific autorun icon
[autorun.alpha] Defining the autorun items for a DEC Alphamachine
open=filenam3.exe The platform specific application to run
icon=filename3.ico The platform specific autorun icon
[autorun.ppc] Defining the autorun items for a Power PC
open=filenam4.exe The platform specific application to run
icon=filename4.ico The platform specific autorun icon
shell\install = &Install The Keyword defining a menu item and the Hot key for that item
shell\install\command = setup.exe The keyword defining the operation to perform when the user selects this item
shell\uninstall = &UnInstall Additional menu item example
shell\uninstall\command = Uninstall.exe Additional menu item example
shell\readme = &Read Me Additional menu item example
shell\readme\command = notepad readme.txt Additional menu item example
shell\help = &Help Additional menu item example
shell\help\command = helpfilename.hlp Additional menu item example
Категория: Вирусология | Добавил: dolphin (28.12.2010)
Просмотров: 6083 | Рейтинг: 3.0/2

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